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Center for Energy Efficiency: Cooperation on the “World's First Fuel”.

Energy Efficiency Hub | Posted on 2021-12-09 10:33

Energy Efficiency Hub - a global collaborative platform aimed at delivering the social, economic and environmental benefits of more efficient use of energy - was launched on December 1 at an event hosted at the International energy in Paris.

The first 16 members of the Hub are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, the European Commission, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Russia , Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom and United States.

The Hub aims to facilitate government-to-government exchanges on efficiency policy, regulation and implementation, focusing on topics relevant to the challenges facing the world and by extension member countries. The launch event showcased areas of international collaboration. These are digitization, the efficient deployment of equipment and devices, the best technologies in energy optimization as well as the best practices in energy management.

“Hub members span the globe, from East to West and North to South, together accounting for over 60% of energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions,” said Ulrich Benterbusch, Managing Director deputy of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy, who will chair the steering committee of the Hub.

“In fact, each member has significant achievements in energy efficiency and understands how urgent it is to work together on this topic,” he added. “To meet global challenges, all countries are doing their best and, working in concert with other international organizations, the Hub will seek to share more widely the work done and the results achieved; a great way to learn from others. "

The launch of the Hub follows the publication last week of 2021 Energy Efficiency . the IEA's annual report showed that while global energy efficiency improvements regain their pre-pandemic pace, they are still far from what is needed to reach net zero emissions by 2050.

“I see energy efficiency as the very first fuel, because it is crucial to fight climate change and make our energy supplies more secure while leaving money in our pockets,” said Fatih Birol, director executive of the IEA. “I am very happy to see countries coming together under the Energy Efficiency Hub to accelerate efforts in this critical area. "

“Being based at the IEA will allow the Hub to boost the effectiveness of cooperation between experts as well as bring new momentum to the other key initiatives and activities we host, including the ministerial meeting on clean energy , ”said Dr Birol. “The launch of the Hub is a clear and encouraging signal that momentum is building behind greater action on energy efficiency around the world. "

Brian Motherway, IEA Head of Energy Efficiency, said: “Governments have to work much harder if they are to deliver the full potential of energy efficiency and put their energy systems on the path to neutrality. carbon. The Hub is an important instrument for countries to learn from each other and work together to strengthen their efficiency policies. "

Posted on 2021-12-09 10:33

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