ELLE Magazine is proud to announce that it is committed to ending the promotion of animal fur in its pages and online.
This engagement follows a dialogue between the owner of the ELLE brand, the Lagardère group, the Humane Society of the United States, Humane Society International and Creatives4Change. The announcement was made today at Business of Fashion's VOICES 2021 event in London.
ELLE has created a charter to ban editorial content that promotes animal fur on its pages, websites and social media. This means that there will be no more animal fur in editorials, press images, parades and street style images. The charter, which, in accordance with the Fur FreeAlliance definition of fur, also no longer allows the representation of animal fur in advertisements on its pages and online.
All ELLE editions around the world have signed it, which includes publications in Arabia (English and Arabic editions), Argentina, Australia, Belgium (Flemish and French editions), Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada (English and French editions) , China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Ivory Coast, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, Ukraine, United States and Vietnam.
For 13 of these editions, the charter is already in force, for 20, it will come into force on January 1, 2022 and for the remaining editions, it will come into force on January 1, 2023.
The ELLE network that will be impacted by this announcement includes:
- 45 editions around the world
- 21 million readers per month
- 6.6 million copies sold per month
- 175 million total reach
- 46 websites, 100 million unique visitors, 400 million pages viewed and several mobile / tablet applications
- A site dedicated to the international network: www.elleinternational.com
According to Constance Benqué, CEO of Lagardère News and CEO of ELLE International: “Societal commitment has always been one of the key pillars of the ELLE brand. The world has changed and the end of the use of fur is aligned with the course of history. We hope that with this commitment ELLE will pave the way for other media to ban the promotion of fur anywhere in the world and promote a future without fur. "
According to Valéria Bessolo LLopiz, SVP and international director of ELLE: “For many years, ELLE has been committed to the environment, sustainability and ecology through regular articles or special toll-free numbers. The presence of animal fur in our pages and on our digital media no longer conforms to our values, nor to those of our readers. It's time for ELLE to make a statement on this, a statement that reflects our attention to crucial issues of environmental and animal protection and protection, rejecting cruelty to animals. It is also an opportunity for ELLE to raise awareness of animal welfare, to strengthen the demand for sustainable and innovative alternatives and to promote a more humane fashion industry. "
PJ Smith, Fashion Policy Director for Humane Society International and the HSUS, adds, “ We celebrate SHE for taking a stand against the cruel fur trade and look forward to other fashion magazines following their lead. This announcement will spark positive change across the fashion industry and has the potential to save countless animals from a lifetime of suffering and cruel death. ELLE's leadership will also stimulate innovation for more sustainable and humane alternatives. "
Alexi Lubomirski, fashion photographer and founder of Creatives for Change, declares : “Since its inception, ELLE magazine has always been a leading light in fashion, synonymous with freshness, uncluttered by the weight of tradition and formality. Because of this strength, it has been said that SHE "does not reflect fashion so much as decree". It is this creative power to inspire that allows ELLE to take great strides forward to shape the hearts and minds of its readers for a more evolved and conscious future for all. "
Today's pledge to be fur-free follows a dialogue with animal welfare group Humane Society International, among others.
Claire Bass, Executive Director of Humane Society International / UK , said: “When the world's biggest fashion magazine commits to go without fur, you really know the fur is dead. SHE is paving a path that we hope others will follow, reflecting the fur-free policies and preferences of designers, retailers and consumers around the world. Here in the UK, we're urging the few retailers who still sell fur, like Harrods, Harvey Nichols and Flannels, to accept that fur cruelty is a fashion faux pas, and urge the government to join SHE on the right side of history by banning fur imports and sales. "
HSI has carried out multiple infiltration investigations into fur farms, notably in Finland and China. In October 2021, HSI / UK investigators revealed heartbreaking scenes at fur farms in Finland where we found foxes in small sterile cages suffering from deformed feet, diseased eyes, missing ears and obesity. In December 2020, investigators from HSI in China exposed repetitively rotating and walking foxes in their tiny cages, the classic symptoms of mental decline due to environmental deprivation, and inept and painfully electrocuted raccoon dogs. Previous investigations by HSI in China found animals were beaten to death and even skinned alive.
The Fur Free Pledge has been signed by all DE ELLE editions around the world and will no longer allow content promoting animal fur on its pages, websites and social media, including no animal fur. in editorials, press imagery, runway and street style imagery or the depiction of animal fur in any advertising on its pages and online. This includes its release in China, the world's largest fur-producing industry. Some editions of ELLE, like the UK, are already fur-free.
About ELLE International:
The ELLE network today, including France and international editions, reaches more than 33 million readers worldwide: 45 editions of ELLE in 43 countries, 25 editions of ELLE Decoration, 7 editions of ELLE à Table, 1 edition of ELLE Men and 1 edition of ELLE Girl. It also represents 46 local ELLE websites, garnering nearly 100 million unique visitors per month.
The Lagardère Group, owner of the ELLE & ELLE Decoration brands, partners with prestigious publishing houses around the world, through licensing contracts:
- With Hearst Magazines, publishing 13 editions of ELLE and 12 editions of ELLE Decoration, in 13 countries
- With CMI, Burda, Aller, Ringier and 23 other partners in 31 countries, publishing 32 editions of ELLE and 13 editions of ELLE Decoration.
The Lagardère Group is a world leader in the publishing, production, distribution and distribution of content, whose powerful brands take advantage of its virtual and physical networks to attract and benefit from qualified audiences.
About Humane Society International
With a presence in over 50 countries, Humane Society International works around the world to promote the human-animal bond, save and protect dogs and cats, improve farm animal welfare, protect wildlife, promote animal-free testing and research, responding to natural disasters, and dealing with cruelty to animals in all its forms.
About the Humane Society of the United States
Founded in 1954, the Humane Society of the United States and its affiliates around the world fight to end the suffering of all animals. Together with millions of supporters, the HSUS takes care of puppy mills, factory farms, trophy hunts, animal testing and other cruel industries, and with its affiliates saves and provides direct care to over 100,000 animals each year. The HSUS works to reform corporate policy, improve and enforce laws, and educate the public on animal issues.
About Creatives4Change:
Creatives4Change is an initiative by fashion photographer Alexi Lubomirski to make the fashion and entertainment industry a little more compassionate, ethical and moral by asking creatives to say no to the use of exotic fur, feathers and skins. in their projects and jobs.
Humane Society International and its partner organizations together constitute one of the largest animal welfare organizations in the world. For over 20 years, HSI has worked for the protection of all animals through the use of science, advocacy, education, and hands-on programs. Celebrate animals and face cruelty around the world.
Posted on 2021-12-02 20:37