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L214 - The will to denounce

L214 Ethics & Animals | Posted on 2021-04-11 12:00

The French association L214 Ethique & Animaux was founded in 2008 by vegetarian and anti-species activists from the Stop Gavage team (campaign for the abolition of foie gras which is now continuing within L214). It is an animal protection association. These activists consider that the species is neither a sufficient criterion to determine how we can treat an animal, nor how we should consider it. Humans do not take precedence over other species and equality is necessary. Antispeciesists advocate the importance of the individual and not of the species to which he belongs. They denounce and condemn in particular the exploitation and mistreatment inflicted by humans on animals. This is a 1908 law association focused on animals used in food production (meat, milk, eggs, fish), and revealing their conditions of breeding, transport, fishing and slaughter.

L214 owes its name to article 214 of the rural code in which in 1976 animals were for the first time designated as sentient beings.

Art L214-1 :Any animal being a sentient being must be placed by its owner in conditions compatible with the biological requirements of its species . "

To date, neither in practice nor in law, this article is really taken into account. This is why L214 strives to inform citizens through surveys, images, videos, testimonials, scientific or professional publications, broadcast on the main French media. Thanks to the seriousness of their cases, the association is experiencing a rapid development both in its mediation and in its funding.

Beyond the denunciations campaigns mainly focused on the conditions of breeding, slaughter, and transport of animals, L214 tries to sanction illegal practices through legal actions in order to change them, or even ban them. These practices are verified and sourced, often resulting from filmed surveys.

The purpose of their actions is of three kinds:

  • Feed the public debate on the animal condition, raise the issue of speciesism , demand an end to the consumption of animals and other practices that harm them.
  • Inform and educate citizens about alternatives to the consumption of animal products (terrestrial or aquatic) by demonstrating the negative impact on their condition and on our environment.
  • Trying to bring the population towards a food transitions by moving towards vegetarian, vegan, or vegan food. Show that it is possible to eat properly and without deficiency by removing animal consumption from our meals. If this is not possible, convince them to adopt a responsible purchasing attitude by reducing their consumption of such products and refusing those from intensive farming.

Its central core is made up of around ten volunteers and around sixty employees who coordinate remotely. Hundreds of activists come as reinforcements to set up actions in their region. Members or supporters make their contribution in various fields, according to their talents and availability (accounting, graphics, video editing, etc.).

The financing of L214 is mainly based on donations and memberships from individuals, then comes donations offered by the Open Philanthropy Project foundation, then their online store, other resources.


The association understood this well. The approach through education and information can change mentalities and free the young generation from the anchors of tradition. Tradition often at the origin of animal suffering.

In an adapted language, the educational action of L214 provokes reflection through a fun and interactive approach, established under the control of a scientific council which brings together 13 professionals. The latter are specialists in natural sciences, animal law, veterinary medicine, child psychology, philosophy and ethics, pedagogy ...

Activist tools are offered to young audiences in libraries, leisure centers, or in classrooms, to make them aware of the animal cause. These tools come in various forms: educational kit, educational video, exhibition, animation, my animal diary.

L214 can count on the participation of the “ 30 Million Friends” Foundation, which shares many actions aimed at defending and protecting animals, and raising awareness among the younger generations as well as public and political decision-makers about animal welfare.
But also on the support of
Yann Arthus-Bertrandwho declares: “Faithful to the spirit of benevolence which animates the association, the L214 Education approach allows teachers to tackle the animal question by relying on a set of tools. serious and documented , which provoke thought with intelligence and optimism. I highly recommend these tools. "

L214 act for animals as efficiently as possible, always with kindness.

Her work allowed her to be spotted in 2017 by Animal Charity Evaluators : this independent organization evaluated its actions and ranked L214 among the 12 most effective animal rights associations in the world.

Thank you L214 ...


Posted on 2021-04-11 12:00

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