The images, commented on by the writer and philosopher Tristan Garcia, were shot at the Bazas slaughterhouse in Gironde. They show practices and facilities that do not comply with regulations that cause extreme suffering. Pigs, cows, lambs, undergo horror before dying : stings in the anus and eyes, failed stuns, animals suspended and bled while still conscious... The slaughterhouse slaughters animals mostly from free-range, local, and even Label Rouge and Organic farms . The meat is mainly sold directly from the producers, as well as in butchers and supermarkets. IGP Beef from Bazas, IGP and Label Rouge Beef from Chalosse, IGP Lamb from Pauillac, Organic Farming. All these labels hide the immense suffering suffered in this slaughterhouse. I demand the closure of the slaughterhouse These images, very difficult to watch, are necessary to stop these horrors. You can sign the petition addressed to Marc Fesneau, Minister of Agriculture, and Étienne Guyot, Prefect of Gironde, without watching the video. Your signature is very important: ask with us for the urgent closure of this slaughterhouse and the establishment of a right to visit slaughterhouses by parliamentarians. You can choose to watch the video with the raw images or a filtered version. See the survey and sign the petition Serious Violations and Animals in Suffering In this "small local slaughterhouse", the pace is less intense than in some large slaughterhouses. Still, it's still awful. The equipment is unsuitable for most animals, which causes additional suffering - when it is already immense:
This list is far from being exhaustive. However, a State veterinarian, whose function is clearly identifiable on the images, is present when the animals are killed. The situation is chaotic, but he does not intervene. Even worse. A 2016 veterinary service report had already identified malfunctions and serious violations. 7 years later, nothing has changed. State services let it happen. Complaint filed for cruelty and serious abuse We are filing a complaint against the slaughterhouse for cruelty and serious abuse committed against animals with the public prosecutor of Bordeaux. We are also filing an action for liability against the State with the administrative court of Bordeaux for failure to fulfill its mission of monitoring the application of the regulations. We ask the courts to severely punish the managers of the slaughterhouse and the department's veterinary services. Deterrent penalties are needed. Let's open our eyes
“Sometimes you have to see to know. Some of you know what are the conditions for slaughtering animals in France, many still do not know. Even if it's difficult, you have to show it. » Tristan Garcia, writer and philosopher Like Tristan, we invite you to share this survey as widely as possible. Each share gives it more strength. Each share brings us closer to closing this slaughterhouse. We are counting on your mobilization to sign the petition and disseminate this survey . The Bazas slaughterhouse is supposed to be a model of the best: short circuits, local, organic, labeled meat. However, the extreme suffering of the animals is undeniable and the state veterinary services totally inoperative. It is a constant, surveys after surveys. Taking animal sensitivities seriously means keeping meat off our plates . For people who want to no longer participate in this suffering but who are wondering how to do it, this page explains how to replace meat . Sources : L214 |
Posted on 2023-07-27 12:15