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Ducks and foie gras from the South West: when avian flu adds to the suffering of animals.

Foie gras from the South West. | Posted on 2022-02-24 18:17

After the chickens on Tuesday and the fish on Wednesday, L214 unveils this Thursday a new investigation filmed in the Gers, in the middle of the IGP duck foie gras zone of the South-West . The images show the hell experienced by the ducks. They are commented on by starred chef Alexis Gauthier . He turned to a 100% vegetable cuisine after becoming aware of the sensitivity of animals, and their immense suffering in farms and slaughterhouses.



In the force-feeding rooms, 1,900 ducks are locked in collective metal cages , tight against each other. The densities inside the cages do not allow them to spread their wings. The grid floor causes lesions under the feet of all ducks. These wounds, left untreated, degenerate into infections, and cause inflammatory edema. The ducks are force-fed with a pneumatic pump , with all the consequences you already know: diarrhoea, gasping and tenfold mortality.

The cages used in the intensive production of foie gras are in flagrant violation of the regulations, as are the boxes for transporting the ducks to the slaughterhouse. The latter are too low and the animals cannot stand up in their natural position. They are stacked on top of each other. Nothing is done to prevent the ducks' urine and faeces from flowing onto those on the lower levels.

L214 lodged a complaint for mistreatment against the breeding and against the transport company Avilog, with the judicial court of Auch.

An industrial sector conducive to the spread of avian flu

Before being piled up in the force-feeding room, the ducks were moved several times between different regions : a typical organization of the industrial foie gras sector, conducive to the spread of avian flu.

The ducks are born in a hatchery located in Deux-Sèvres. Then they were transported and raised on a farm in Lot-et-Garonne. Then transported to the Gers for force-feeding. Then reloaded into trucks heading for the slaughterhouse, their last trip.

This specialization of each link in the chain is conducive to the spread of avian flu and the risk of development of zoonoses. And you know what ? Even the agricultural unions denounce it!

Health bombs in power

For the Confédération paysanne and the Modef: it is essential to lower the extreme densities of certain territories in poultry but also to cap the number of animals per farm. Indeed, it is obvious that large confined farms expel viral loads in their environment and contaminate nearby farms. Finally, we must put an end to the segmented operation of poultry sectors which disseminate viruses through the transport of live animals […]. Almost all of the focus farms are secluded farms, in a long chain. The industrialization of poultry sectors is leading us into a wall. »

The concentration of animals in these farms makes them veritable health bombs. Added to this is the failure of the immune system of overfed and overfed birds, which is also conducive to the development of viruses.

The question of our relationship with animals must be at the heart of the debates . With an absolute priority: get out of intensive farming and develop plant-based food . Candidates for the presidential election must commit themselves.


Posted on 2022-02-24 18:17

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