France has joined the coalition of countries pledging to put an end by the end of 2022 to foreign financing of fossil energy projects without carbon capture techniques, the Minister for the Ecological Transition announced on Friday. .
"The signing of this agreement is a coherent decision for France, which has always been among the ambitious countries for the climate," Barbara Pompili told the press in Glasgow.
"The success of the Paris agreement and the fight against climate change necessarily means turning the page on fossil fuels," she added.
Last week, during the COP26 in Glasgow, some twenty countries including the United States, since joined by a few others including Germany, launched this coalition hailed as a first step in the right direction by climate NGOs.
"At last!"
But the French activists had criticized the absence of France among the signatories, especially as Paris had been part since April of another coalition "Export Finance for Future" (E3F), which aims to put an end to a further horizon indefinite, to the public financing of projects involving fossil fuels for export.
"The French government is finally succumbing to diplomatic and civil society pressure. This is a crucial victory after years of mobilization against overseas fossil fuel subsidies that are destroying the climate. The devil is in the details," commented Anna-Lena Rebaud, from the NGO Friends of the Earth France.
“Finally!” Added Armelle Le Comte, from Oxfam France. "We will remain vigilant on the full and complete implementation of this commitment. We will remain vigilant on the full and complete implementation of this commitment," she added.
Posted on 2021-11-12 18:23