During his visit to Moscow, US Special Climate Envoy John Kerry met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to address issues caused by global warming. The opportunity to reaffirm that the two nations are on the same wavelength
Moscow and Washington share "common interests" on climate change, Russian President Vladimir Putin told US special climate envoy John Kerry, visiting Moscow. "The climate problem is one of the sectors where Russia and the United States have common interests and similar approaches ," the Russian president underlined in a statement released by the Kremlin on Wednesday. According to the Kremlin, Vladimir Poutine "attaches great importance" to achieving the objectives of the Paris climate agreement. He also supports "a depoliticized dialogue" on this issue, according to this source.
The Russian president and the American envoy "stressed the importance of the United States and Russia working together on a range of climate issues," the US State Department confirmed. John Kerry notably highlighted the role that Russia must play in the fight against global warming in the Arctic Council, as well as in the campaign to end greenhouse gas emissions from coal, explains the State Department press release. Visiting this week in the capital, John Kerry had already called for developing cooperation with Moscow on the climate during a meeting Monday with the head of Russian diplomacy, Sergei Lavrov.
Russia, which remains one of the world's main producers of oil and gas, has often recalled the strong commitments it has made in recent years. She wanted to show that climate change is one of her priorities. It should be remembered that Russia is at the forefront of the upheavals caused by the rise in temperatures. Indeed, the summers in Siberia are getting hotter and forest fires are always more numerous. The melting permafrost poses terrible threats to several cities in the Arctic. During his annual speech in April, President Putin declared that Russia must adapt to climate change and ordered the creation of an industry to recycle carbon emissions.
It is to be welcomed that despite a context of strong tensions that has lasted for some time now, the two countries have conceded that climate change represents a common struggle for which they intend to engage strongly and move forward together.
Posted on 2021-07-19 08:00