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Animal welfare and nutrition.

Animal welfare and nutrition. | Posted on 2023-01-17 17:43

The 3R principle

Factory farming is the leading cause of animal cruelty in the world and a major contributor to many global problems. Globally, an estimated 80 billion livestock are raised for food each year. 1 , of which 50 billion animals are raised in intensive farming 2 .

One of the most important and easiest ways to tackle the negative implications of factory farming is to change the diet. Everyone can make an impactful positive contribution to animal welfare by drastically reducing their consumption of animal products and increasing their consumption of plant-based foods. FOUR PAWS encourages people to follow and support an animal-friendly lifestyle by reducing their consumption of animal products and replacing them in their diet with plant-based alternatives. To do this, we recommend the principle of the 3Rs: Reduce the consumption of meat and other products of animal origin, Refine your diet by choosing products from high certified standards in terms of animal welfare and ultimately Replace products of of animal origin with vegetable alternatives.

The 3Rs principle is a great tool for making conscious, cruelty-free food choices for everyone. In 2021, with the variety of healthy, animal-friendly food choices available, it's easier than ever to find great tips and advice on how to do just that!


Le principe des 3R



The fewer animal products we consume and the less often, the fewer animals there are to raise, keep, transport and slaughter.

Reduce consumption, reduce production.



It is important to know if retailers and manufacturers are transparent about how animals are raised. Opt for products that are backed by high animal welfare labels and familiarize yourself with what the labels and certification stand for.


To replace

The most animal-friendly diet is a plant-based diet. Choosing delicious and healthy plant-based options has never been easier. Replacing meat, dairy, fish and eggs in your next meal will have a direct impact on us, animals and the planet as a whole.

To learn more about the 3R principle, check out our video below.


Note: Any advertisements that may appear while watching this video are not related to FOUR PAWS. We assume no responsibility for this content.

Our 3R nutritional guide

Our 3R nutritional guide

Learn more about animal welfare and nutrition here



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