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Yves Rocher

Yves Rocher | Posted on 2021-02-22 17:30

Yves Rocher created the company that bears his name in 1959. Its business sector is cosmetology and beauty products. The Yves Rocher company has become known for its herbal ointments to treat hemorrhoids. She created a first boutique ten years later while diversifying into cosmetics based on organic plants, thus targeting businesses outside pharmacies. The group then launched new brands (Daniel Jouvance, Dr Pierre Ricaud, Françoise Saget, etc.) and acquired others no less prestigious (Petit Bateau).

In 2019, sales amounted to 2.5 billion euros. The Yves Rocher company has become over the years a major global player in its field and employs more than 15,000 people, not to mention the indirect jobs created by the many shops around the world.

Yves Rocher's commitment to protecting the environment goes back many years. From its creation in 1959, sustainable development will be part of the company's DNA. It will be placed at the center of the concerns of the brand at all stages of the product's life from its production to its distribution.

Also committed to the animal cause, Yves Rocher stops testing on animals for finished products, 15 years before the ban by the European Community.

In 2008, it will enter into a partnership with the League for the Protection of Birds for the preservation of flora and fauna. And will even receive the SPA gold medal as a reward for constant action in favor of animals

Even today, this commitment is stronger than ever. As evidenced by the recent statement by Bris Rocher, Chairman and CEO of Groupe Rocher,: “It's not about being the best company in the world, but the best company for the world. "

Beyond preserving biodiversity on its sites, Yves Rocher intends to reduce the consumption of non-renewable resources and control the use of raw materials as well as the materials used in stores. For example, plastic. Since 2006, the company has managed to save hundreds of tonnes of plastic per year by simply removing plastic bags from its stores and replacing them with its shopping bag. More broadly, all plastic packaging has been significantly reduced in favor of recyclable packaging. 330 tonnes of plastic were saved in 2017 through the use of recycled plastic in the bottles.

In order to further anchor the company in eco-responsibility, Yves Rocher has acquired the status of Company with Mission. As the definition of this status indicates: “The Company with Mission status allows commercial companies which so wish to officially pursue within the framework of their activity“ one or more social and environmental objectives ”. This concerns any mission of collective or general interest, whether for example the protection of the environment, or the maintenance of a local establishment. "

In its report on this new status, the Rocher Group indicates the social and environmental obligations it must fulfill :

- “Promote the link between its communities and Nature.
- Act in favor of biodiversity in its territories.
- Develop frugal innovation and responsible consumption actions.
- Make La Gacilly the emblem of a virtuous ecosystem.
- Offer well-being experiences thanks to the benefits of Nature. "

However, the Group does not forget its employees. In order to make them aware of ecological issues and then turn them into real eco-responsible players, it plans to create a Nature Academy.

All of the group's initiatives are geared towards reconnecting people to nature. Like what has been working very well for 60 years, namely the sustainable ecosystem created in Gacilly.

The future for Yves Rocher?

100% of its brands will be B Corp by 2030. Adventure therefore to be continued….

Posted on 2021-02-22 17:30

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